Tomorrow I set off on a big adventure all by myself! I am traveling to Utah to see some college friends, one of which I have not seen in 8 years. This will be my first ever experience vacationing without my family. I am beyond ready for the much needed break, rest and relaxation. I love the fact that we don't really have much of a schedule to follow. AND I am consulting a Thirty-One party while I am there, so the mileage is a tax deduction (as though I were driving anyways).
My Thirty-One is going really well. I have a couple of amazing things lined up in the next couple of months, but am wishing I had more parties booked. I really enjoy getting out and meeting new people, so consulting parties is amazing for me. Which is also my sole reason for being a consultant.
Things around our house have settled down a bit now that everyone is in school. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I am free of kids from 8:15-11:15. It's only 3 hours twice a week, but it's a very nice break. Soon I am looking into volunteering at a school to help with my resume. I would like to return to work next fall and want to help out my lacking education resume. I also want to get back to doing what I love and that is watching children learn.
We are still in search of job opportunities for m husband so we can move back towards our home of Ludington and closer to our family. I pray every day it is in the plans for us. We miss being "home" terribly, but there are not an abundance of jobs for Jesse there. I know I need to be patient and life will work out when it is supposed to.
I know I have lots more that I would like to write about, but for now I am going to call it quits as I have lots to do before I leave tomorrow morning!
Until then,
Hugs ~B.