Thursday, March 22, 2012

Challenge accepted!

So today I made up my mind to challenge myself as I had mentioned in my blog from a few days ago.  I will outline my challenge in a little bit.  But first I need to say that I am nervous.  I am nervous that I will not do well, that I will fail...  However, I need to try.  Even if only a fraction of good comes out of this challenge I will be ecstatic!

Here's how things will go:

1. NO more pop
2. Complete the 16 minute Jillian Michaels workout 5 days a week
3. Complete either relaxation pilates or fat burning pilates daily (it takes less than half an hour)
4. Make the healthier choices in food, even if it's a small thing (like spray butter over tub or stick)
5. Do something outside daily as weather allows. IE walk, garden, chase kids, bike ride
6. Prioritize sleep over cleaning and other things I think are necessary but prolly are not... =)

I am not going to measure success in pounds or inches lost.  I am going to measure success by how well I am able to follow these "rules."  I want this to challenge Me to change my ways at a pace that will stick. 

I'm not a very healthy eater, but I want to be. I am starting with what I think is the worst thing I put in my body, pop.  I'm also not a very dedicated exerciser.  That's why I really want to give this new workout a try, because it's short and Jillian "promises" you can't plateau or get bored.  I also tend to be a hermit and stay inside as much as possible and I realize that is not fair to my kids who NEED to be outside to burn energy and be healthy, active kids.  I also suffer from insomnia and I really must get past it.  My sleep specialist says it takes a lot of time and conditioning of my body to sleep when and how long I need to. 

I don't feel you can put a goal on these things, however, I am going to reevaluate in a month.  That is the day before we head off on vacation.  I probably won't exercise as much, but will be walking all day all week.  I also won't be eating as healthy because it will be all restaurants...  So I figure that is a good way to judge if what I am doing helps at all.  Because after my 5 days "off" I will either see a difference in the way I feel and look or will see no difference.  If there is no difference, then I will know my challenge was not as effective as I would have liked and will have to change something.  Does that all makes sense?  I hope so, because it does in my mind!

Here's to wishing myself a lot of luck and success!

Hugs ~ B.


  1. you can do it bekki!! i promise. giving up pop isnt as hard as i thought it would be (im on day 4 :]) also, have you tried melatonin to help get to sleep? its a natural sleep aid, and it doesnt leave you drowsy or groggy in the morning. it just makes you tired so that you fall asleep in about 20 minutes! i'm so looking forward to seeing you achieve these goals, and i have the utmost confidence in you. call me ANYTIME you need motivation, or just someone to hear you out for ten minutes. i know EXACTLY what your going thru. i love you sister! <3

    1. Thanks Leah! I do take melatonin when I feel I need it. I try very hard not to be dependent on medication for anything. I'm on day 4 today of no pop and so far so good... but I can feel the cravings starting already.
      I'm even getting a little frustrated because it just takes so long for me to loose weight. Others can drop it like that and I take forever and SO much more work.
      But thanks for the boost of confidence, I greatly appreciate it! And please feel free to check in with my from time to time and see how I'm doing so I'm not as likely to "cheat."
