Wednesday, August 1, 2012

This, that and everything in between!

Okay, okay, okay.  I know it has been over a month since I last published anything on here.  I'm very disappointed to say the least.  I wouldn't be so much, if I had good things to report but unfortunately I don't.  Let's start with a quick recap.

First of all, the bike adventures have yet to happen because my bike broke and it takes my husband and I at least 5 times as long to do anything as most people.  Second, July is just a hard emotional month for me because it is the month I lost my dad.  It also contains Dominic's birthday, our anniversary and a holiday. 

Some might wonder why a holiday would be emotional.  For me it is a constant reminder of the fact that we live exactly too far away from our family and the area we want to raise our kids in.  We are doing everything in our power to move back "home."  However, life just hasn't given us the opportunity.  It makes my heart heavy with ache.  I have yet to understand why God and the powers that be keep us so far away from our loved ones.  Maybe I will never know.

Anywho, I have also struggled with my insomnia lately so I have been trying to stay away from the computer at night, which is the only real time I have to post on here.

Oh, and we added a new family member...  We got a puppy.  He's a beagle mix and his name is Orion.  He's an amazing dog, however potty training an animal is harder than a toddler.  I guess life is trying to teach me patients even more so.  I wouldn't trade him for anything though.  Once we get the potty stuff down, he will be down right perfect.

I am also starting a new adventure as a Thirty-One consultant.  It's a fabulous company that I can work from home for.  It will also get me out of the house and social time with other adults.  I'm so excited!  I'm also so nervous that I won't find many customers or family/friends to host parties for me.  I've been working on getting things set up and planning how to get the ball rolling.  If anyone reading this would like to learn more about Thirty-One or would like to host a party, I'm very happy to travel.  Just email me at  Yup, this was a shameless plug of promotion.  I hope it worked! :-)

As for some pictures, they will come.  Sooner than later I really hope.  Jesse has to teach me how to hook the camera up to the computer.  I am so out of touch with technology, it's pathetic. 

~hugs, B.

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