Thursday, March 1, 2012

Just starting out

Hello world.  Welcome to my blog. 

My blog, how cool is that?  I have to say that ever since I watched the movie Julie and Julia, I've wanted to have a blog.  I could just never figure out what to write about.  Nor was I sure that the things I have to write about would be worth sharing.  However, as I find myself wishing I could have more interaction with people who are aged in the double digits, I decided to amuse myself and give it a shot.

Here's the few things I can guarantee with this blog. One, don't be surprised by what you read here.  I plan to write about all aspects of my life and if you don't like it then don't read it!  I do however welcome feedback when appropriate.  Two, I will not write everyday at first or maybe not ever.  I just don't have the time for such things.  Three, I will be laying my thoughts and feelings out on the line for everyone in the world to read, please be aware I am a human and hurtful comments may lead to hurtful rebuttals. :o)  Four and finally, I am doing this for ME.  Not for anyone else.  Not because I want an online journal.  Not to get everyone in the world's opinion of me.  Simply for me and whatever reason I come up with at the time I post on here.

Alright folks, there you have it.  My first blog entry.  Short, simple.  I'm excited to start this and hope I can keep it up as much as I'd like to.  Take care and goodnight. 

Hugs ~ B.

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